Sunday, October 18, 2015


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Technical education

    Technical education is the education which administers special practical knowledge and skills is known as technical education. Technical education is different from ordinary education. Technical education makes learners well-skilled in the special fields like as agriculture, carpentry, engineering, medical, driving, piloting etc. Technical education outfits with technology. The people who have special technical skills and knowledge are called technicians. Carpenters, Drivers, Logistics, Engineers, Doctors and Pilots are extremely called technicians.
   Technical education plays the important role for the development of a country. Technicians are required in the every field of construction. Making factories, roads, bridges, canals, buildings, airports etc. requires technicians. If a country occupies sufficient technical extremity, it definitely drives the pace of development. In order to outgrowth of electricity, to work in fields, to produce adequate crops and vegetables and so on we require different types of technicians.
   Technical education absolutely uplifts economic status of the nation. If a country has adequate prolongation of goods, it can provender its people easily. Foreign currency can be acquired by exporting the extra bearing to them from another nation. If a country does not occupy adequate technicians, it has to bring in from other nations. They have to be given more money as their wages. By this, our revenue goes away. By the result, the nation cannot be developed as it requires. It can be said that the improvement of nation is based on the technicians too.

   Technical education is vital to decrease the problem of unemployment. Technicians cannot be unemployed. The economic development of the country relies on technical hands. Every nation should give major priority on technical education to boost the prosperity of the nation.

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